Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Life has been pretty busy. I had pieced the quilt top together on Thursday and start cutting and piecing the border. The border is made up of flying geese with black as the background color and the different colors in the quilt top as the corners. I'm not working on it as much as I should be, but I guess I needed a little tiny break from that project.

Angela and I have started her rag quilt. I've cut about 180 sqaures so far and sewn X's on a small handful. Angela's scared to sew on my machine so she insists I do the X's...although I'm going to have her try on some scrap fabric and get used to the machine so she can work on the quilt. I don't want to do all the work on it, I'd like her to have some hand in it as well.

On a side note, we have to take our dog Serena to the vet today. We've had this on-going problem with her constantly itching and biting and licking herself raw. We've had to resort to keeping a cone on her at all times, but yesterday it broke off and 45 minutes later she had a giant spot on her back raw and bloody,'s off to the vet and hopefully we can find out why she has this obsession. I pray it's not serious. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

That's all for now. I do have pics of the quilt top put together so when I get some time, I'll post them.

Much love and God Bless.

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